Oh, Sweet One, …

Oh, Sweet One,

You teach not to be heavy but light-hearted,

For your little feathers always find the sky.

You teach not to be loud but heard,

For your little but distinct voice is never missed.

You teach to be small but significant,

For your little but bustling body is always at skill.

You teach not to stay

In those petty disappointments or loneliness,

For somehow you find a clan to meet your needs.

You are part of Mother Nature and

You teach that we are all part of The Whole,

And so no matter what,

We shall always have His Loving Attention.

It is only up to us to Learn, Know and Grow.

~Sanjyot Lupo

Published by sanjyotlupo

I am following my calling and there is nothing more to it :)!

Your feedback is appreciated... Thank you! -Sanjyot Lupo